Thursday, September 22, 2011


Appparently, the Left's enviromental tyranny applies only to America.

For years, the greeny-weenies have held production in this country hostage.  "Drilling for oil is an evil thing!" "Drilling wrecks the environment."  "Mining for coal is bad."  "Drilling for shale and natural gas is no good either." 

"We must be 'green.'"  "Solar, wind and others "renewable" energy is the correct way."

When they say this they only mean the United States.  Congress has recently approved drilling permits for the Gulf, thats our territorial waters for all of you keeping score, for countries such as China, Japan, and certain South American countries to name a few.  Yet for years they, backed by their enviro-fascist base, have delayed, blocked, and flat out denied those rights to American companies.  Giving sole access to OUR abundant oil reserves to foreign powers.

For years, Democrats have fought and denied the rights of American oil companies to drill on our own soil.  However, Comrade Obama recently authorized, as part of the stimulus spending, over 400 billion dollars to South American countries to help develop their drilling programs.  Also, while denying america the chance to drill in ANWAR, Congress apparently doesn't mind Russia drilling there.

Congress has created a labrynth of red tape for anyone wanting to build new refineries but clear they way for foreign interests to ship oil out of our country.

So the lesson from all this is that fossil fuels are only evil when the United States wants them.  Starving our country of its own natural resources and empowering other countries.  Does this sound like a good plan to anyone?  Didn't think so.  Its because of this policy that gasoline is is over $3/gallon at least, $4/gallon in some areas.  If those road blocks were erased and american companies allowed to drill for ourt own resources you would see gas prices get cut in half in a matter of months.

Because, first, we would have a domestic supply instead of importing.  Second, because we would have our own supply, foreign oil would drop for fear of loosing a share of the market.  Thirdly is simple supply and demand.  With a larger supply, demand, as well as price goes down.

Now lets look at the "green" side of the issue. now I am sure everyone has heard of Solyndra, what I am going to affectionately call, for lack of a better analogy, Obama-gate.  Solyndra is one of a handful of companies that make solar panels that have recently gone under.  It is simply a bad business model.  If you sell a product for less than the cost to make it, your business will fail.  Despite this horrible business model and the fact that auditors, like PriceWaterhouseCoopers, had reported that the companies accumulated losses for its five years in business totaled over $558 million, and expressing serious doubts about it future, the Obama administration gave it the first stimulus hand out to the sum of $535 million.  And one of Solyndra's prinicipal investors, one George Kaiser from Oklahoma, just happens to be a major contributor to the Obama campaign.

Wind...the enviro-fascists love to extol the virtues of wind-turbine generated power but refuse to acknowledge its serious flaws.  The first of which is that you can't just put a wind farm anywhere.  Usually they are placed in the open plains or on top of ridge lines.  Also you need acres upon acres to build them.  This narrows the possible locations to the midwest or appalacia.  If you live anywhere else in the country I guess you are just S.O.L. 

The next big flaw is that they are huge, ugly, and noisy.  Property values plummet around them because no one wants to have a view of dozens of large machinery.  Countless liberal communities, after berating tax payers into paying for them, have filed injunctions and sanctions against wind farms close by.  They insist the turbines only operate in winds of <20 mph.  This decreases their effectiveness as they are designed to be operated in winds >40 mph.

Not mention that the turbines have killed countless birds and bats because when they are operating, they interfere with air current and emit a frequency that affects a bat's sonar.

All this and neither wind nor solar can even come close to the wattage of coal or nuclear power...

It is also worthy of notice that even their admonishments of oilriggs themselves were wrong.  The Left has pegged oil riggs as these eyesores that destroy whatever ecosystem they are built in.  It seems that is a lie as well.  Oil riggs are now unable to be dismantled because they are now artificial reefs and now support whole ecosystems.


You see, when a mommy polyp and a daddy polyp love each other very much...anyway, when polyps spawn, it drifts in the ocean current until it find something solid to land on, in this case the supports of an oil rigg. Then it attaches itself and begins to grow.   They feed off plankton and as tehy grow, they shed their exo skeletons which start to form reefs along with any that die and calcify.  This provides shelter for smaller fish and other marine life which, in turn, attracts larger predators which attracts even bigger predators.  Before you know it an ecosystem is born.  And all this happens on and around oil riggs.  These artificial reefs have even been known to draw whales that feed on the krill and plankton as much for the lifeless desolation that was supposed to happen...

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