Thursday, September 8, 2011

Broken record

So...I was gonna write something about 9/11 but in honor of Barak Husein Obama's unremarkable speech, I think I will save that for later.

Aren't you people tired of more of the same yet?  He said nothing new tonight.  Obama's plan for creating jobs is just the old one:  tax and spend, tax and spend.  This time its additional $450 BILLION.  That is billion with a "b."  But hey, when you have already spent over 4 TRILLION in just under three years and made sure that another 10 TRILLION will be spent in the next 10 years whats another $450 billion?

The major point of his "jobs plan," and it is only a plan at this point because he has not actually sent a bill to congress yet, there is no evidence that he even has a draft of it, is of course taxes. Taxes, taxes and more taxes.  This time he wants to tax the job creators and employers, saying that they should be willing to pay more taxes.  But he insisted this isn't class warfare, which brought laughter around the room.  What he failed to mention, and what he and his cronies have always failed to mention, is that the top 5% of tax payers, i.e. the wealthy, pay about 50% of taxes in this country while the bottom 50% don't pay any at all.  So, who's paying their fair share?

Anyway...he tried to sweeten the deal by throwing a few "tax credits" to employers.  The question here is if an employer is aready paying billions in taxes and you tell them that you want them to pay more are tax credits that barely amount to 1% of the taxes you pay really much of an incentive to hire?

Where is the money coming from to pay for this new stimulus? And make no mistake, this is yet again a stimulus package even if they do no call it one.  Well, it probably will come from the new taxes on employers.  But just in case he wants Congress to find ways to cut spending "over 10 years."  Don't get me wrong...cutting spending is great and needs to happen.  BUt it needs to happen NOW.  This is the same facade they tried to use in the debt debate a few months ago.  While Obama gets to spend billions now, he wants cuts over ten years...the problem is that he has no way to make those cuts happen.  Each Congress balances its own budget for that session only.  So future congresses have no obligation to follow spending cuts that other congresses pass.  Secondly, when spending and national debt are in the multiple trillions, with $10 trillion more to be accumulated in the next 10 years, what good is $1 trillion in cuts over ten years that will never come ti pass?  This part is just a ploy so that when conservatives resist, and they will, Obama can run to the media and say "See!  I tried.  I gave them their spending cuts and they still won't budge."  It also allows him to shift the blame yet again when this goes south.

He rounded his speeah out with a "Chicago politics" "agree with me or else" tone, sprinkled in his usual socialism by implying that the economy can only grow when government does, slipped more than a little partisan rhetoric by mocking the Tea Party freshmen who think government is too big, and finally absolved himself by saying if this plan fails it will be Congress's fault for not acting soon enough.

So, basically, Obama played the same broken record yet again.  My last question is who got the more ratings last night?  Obama, or the NFL?


The AP showed surprising clarity for once.  They actually fact-checked Obama.  Every point of his speech they debunked and spoke against.  They pointed out that this stimulus will not help jobs anytime within the next two years, if even then.  And it will, in fact add to the deficit immediately.  They admitted that IF the spending cuts materialize at all it will be down the road while the spending happends now.  They admitted that Obama's "infrastructure bank" that would supposedly create jobs won't even be organized for another couple years, but the spending for it happens now.

This is not a conservative or Tea Party organization.  This is the Associated Press!!  They are the first wave, the grunts, of teh Liberal media.  Even they see this for what it is

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