So, I've been racking my brain on just what to write about lately. The problem is that there is just so many things, the debt deal, the Obama downgrade, etc., that I don't know where to begin. But then one thing started to get to me above all this past week. I am so sick of the Libs, along with the compliant media, trying to rewrite history to favor themselves. So, I thought we would have a little history lesson today....
The Republican Party and Civil Rights:
The Republican party was founded in 1854 as the anti-slavery party. It was they who abolished slavery and gave black people freedom (13th Amendment), Citizenship (14th Amendment), and the right to vote (15th Amendment). They also passed teh Civil Rights Act of 1866 and the Reconstruction Act of 1867 that reformed the Democrat controlled states of the South to be less hostile to newly freed slaves. It was the Democrats, or "Dixie"-crats, who fought to keep slavery and, once abolished, passed the Black Codes and Jim Crow laws. The Democrats started the KKK and included such members as Sen. Robert Byrd (WV).
In the Civil Rights Era the majority of the black population, including Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., A. Phillip Randolph who organized the 1963 march on DC, were registered Republicans. The Republicans founded the Historic Black Colleges and Universities and started the NAACP and Affirmative Action, which was enacted by Pres. Nixon to reverse Democrat President Woodrow Wilson's order to kick all black Americans out of government jobs. The Liberal Democrats have twisted it into an unfair quota system. Dem. Pres. Harry Truman may have signed the order to desegregate the US military, but it was Rep. Pres. Eisenhower who actually took action to do it. It was he who pushed the Civial Rights Act of 1957 and sent troops to Arkansas to desegregate the schools. Eisenhower appointed Cheif Justice Earl Warren which enabled Brown v. Board of Education. The Democrats were the ones to stand in school house doors and turned firehoses and vicious dogs on black Americans.
Dem. Pres John F. Kennedy is lauded as a civil rights hero. But it was he while in the Senate, along with other Dem. senators such as Sen. Al Gore Sr., that voted against teh Civil Rights Act of 1957. After he gained teh presidency, JFK opposed the 1963 march on DC and had his brother Robert Kennedy, as Attorney General, wiretap and investigate Dr. King through the FBI under suspicion of being a communist.
In 1968, Dr. King left Memphis, TN after riots broke out and a teenager killed. Sen. Robert Byrd(WV), same one who was a "Keagle" in the KKK, accused Dr. King of being a "troublemaker who runs as soon as trouble is started. In response, Dr. King returned to Memphis a few weeks later and was assassinated on April 4th.
Dem. Pres. Lyndon Johnson, another "champion of civil rights," in his 4500 word State of teh Union address devoted only 35 of those words to civil right. Voting rights weren't even mentioned. In 1967, in response to Dr. King's protest of teh Vietnam War, he called Dr. King "that N---- Preacher."
It was a Republican, Sen. Everett Dirksen, who was fore-front in passing civil rights legislation in 1957, '60, '64, and '65. It was he who wrote the language of the Voting rights Act and the Civil Rights Act. Andit was Rep. Sen. Barry Goldwater who tried to force Democrats in the South from continuously passing discriminatory legislation which forced Congress to keep passing federal civil rights legislation.
The majority of US inner cities have been run by Democrats for teh past 30-40 years and they have sunk over $7 Trillion into Pres. Johnson's "War on Poverty" with almost no impact. The Democrats have always been the ones to push for more welfare programs and block Republican attempts to reform the existing ones. Can anyone honestly say that life in the inner-cities is better now than it was 30 years ago?
(Majority of previous content gatherd from Ms. Frances Rice, Chairman of the National Black Republican Association)
The Economy:
The Liberal Democrats try to say that their policies will lead to economic growth and prosperty and Conservative economic policies lead to ruin...lets look at the facts. Ronald Reagan, the epitomy of the conservative ideals, championed the cause of lower taxes, small government, private ownership, and fiscal and personal responsibility. Under his presidency private sector growth sky-rocketed, the economy exploded and instances of minority and female job growth, especially in corporate and executive settings, boomed. And this was after he corrected the harm done by Dem. Pres. Jimmy Carter's socialist policy of raising taxes, growing government, deficit spending, and redistribution of wealth that caused a deep depression.
It was Pres. Clinton, along with groups like ACORN, that forced banks to approve home loans to people who could never afford to repay the loans by threating legal, civil, and financial harrassment. This lead to the collapse of teh housing market in the past decade when all those bad loans finally came due and the people couldn't pay.
Under the Bush Tax Cuts, the US economy had 20 quarters of strong growth until the Democrats took over Congress in 2006
Now lets look at the economy under Pres. Obama...unemployment has increased from around 5% under Pres. Bush, to just over 9%. Available jobs has dropped by hundreds of millions. over 50% of americans aren't even working. National debt has increased from $4 Trillion to over $14 Trillion, with at least $3 Trillion more expected over the next ten years thanks to the debt deal. For the first time since WWII our country is spending more money than it brings in. And the cherry on top...our credit rating has been downgrading. The Liberal solution? Higher taxes, more spending and more printing of money without anything to back it. The Conservative solution? At least $4 Trillion is immediate cuts, a cap on further spending, and an Amendment to force Congress to pass a balanced budget every year, something the DEmocrat controled Senate hasn't done in more than 800 days.
It is time that we stop letting the Liberals write their own history. Let the facts speak for themselves.
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