It looks like the "Occupy" movement is finally fizzling out and I say not soon enough!
For the last two months the whole nation has been inundated with press coverage of the daily activity of this errant "cause." We were treated to every shift, chant, hardship. The mainstream media cheered as each extension was formed in different cities. They pompously claimed this was the Left's version of the Tea Party only OWS was larger and was back by the majority. But finally truth has caught up to the mob.
The Tea Party succeeded, and continues to do so, where OWS failed because the Tea Party is a true grassroots movement where OWS is "astroturfing."
The Tea Party was not started to be a movement. It was truly built from the ground up with a few people gathering based on shared ideals, in this case the rapid, and foolish, expansion of government beyond its means and mandate. These few were joined by others, first in handfuls and then in droves. When the size of this phenomena dawned on them it was then that the idea of action began to develop. Even in this the Tea Party started small and grew to large protests outside Congress. In short, it was pbased on principal, passion, and patriotism.
OWS is almost the exact opposite. It was formed from the top down. This is what is known as "astroturfing:" A movement organized and funded for a specific agenda, precisely to make a scene, by a politician or interest group. This group then tries to pass itself off as a grassroots movement to falsely claim legitimacy. OWS was formed with protests and civil disruption in mind without any thought given to any unifying ideology.
The results of such differing approaches is very clear. Tea Party protests truly were non-violent. They consisted of a wide range of Americans from differing background. The Tea Partiers destroyed no property, obeyed the law, including the obtaining of proper permits, and showed utmost respect for the law enforcement assigned by Liberals "just in case" violence broke out, which never happened. They stood in group, holding candles and singing patriotic songs including "America the Beautiful," the National Anthem, and maybe an occassional hymn. They prayed to God for guidance, not only for themselves but for the leaders in Congress as well. And finally, when they left to go back to their jobs they cleaned up after themselves.
Now lets look at is funded entirely by politicians and interest groups. These include the President, the Liberal establishment, Pelosi, Reid, etc.,and their sycophants such as ACORN, Unions, ACLU, and other such groups. Because it didn't start with a base of supporters it relied on two methods to gather them. One was basically to hire professional protesters. The other was to take a page from the President's community organizer days and stir up the rabble. They added gasoline to the fire they started three years ago by enflaming class and wealth envy. These people were gathered for money and hate. There was no common thought. The result of this tactic was clear: destruction of property, theft, rape, assault, public urination, public nudity, and violence towards police. They obtained no permits for their gathering, merely squatting illegally in a privately owned park.
Because these people had no unity they were unable to articulate any clear message: the younger protesters gave the nebulous reason of student loans, other vaguely shouted "soak the rich," yet others merely complained about "social fairness." Let alone that the mere premiss of these protests go against one of the Ten Commandments, Thou shalt not Covet!!!, when asked to add detail to these greivances, to clearly explain how they would fix them, they fell to incoherent shouting of protest chants.
Each day brought more speech laced increasingly with vulgarity, violence, and hate, more than a little of which was anti-semetic ranting. The songs coming from the Occupy shanty-town were "F*ck america!" And as they stayed, the filth and disease increased leading to outbreaks of several respiratory diseases, bacterial infections and even STD's.
And Obama and his sycophants want to tell us that the two are a lot alike...
The real problem is going to be the aftermath. The movement is breaking up; and not because they were forced like the media wants you to believe. OWS is being pack-in because the liberals can not deny the numbers anymore. Every Liberal, from Obama down to the lowliest ACORN aide, tried to tell us that this was mainstream america. They threw thier weight completely behind OWS to force it to catch on. BUt they were forced to face the reality that the majority of Americans identify with teh Tea Party more than OWS. Not only that, but now to tie ones political reputation to OWS is career suicide. So now the Liberals want the protesters to quietly fade to the background as more and more their true colors are made clear. The Liberal mayor of NYC, Bloomberg, was given permission to actually enforce the law now that OWS is an embarassment.
But OWS doesn't want to go away.
The Liberals are now faced with a real problem. They let the monster out of the box, practically dragged it out, and fed it until it had a life of its own. They went out in public, were taped telling the world how much they supported them. But now that OWS has a life of its own it has stopped listening to the Liberals. They can't put the monster back in its box and are now forced to ride out the storm.
The first wave of damage control was Bloomberg finally acting on the side of Law to give the pretense of official action against OWS. This only made it worse. Now that it had a taste of freedom, the monster resents trying to be locked away again. Upon being forced out of Zuccoti Park the protesters gave way to violence and threats. More than a handful gleefully told cameras that "the city would burn," "Macy's will soon know what a Molitov Cocktail can do to a store," and "we are gonna burn this mother f*cking city down." Within hours of being evicted from Zuccoti Park, they entered illegally again.
So now Liberals are faced with a difficult decision..Do they alienate their base by further distancing themselves from the remnants of OWS, or do they keep the stone around their neck?
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