Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Contest...sort of

Ok...I am experiencing a block as to what to write about.  What important issue should I tackle next?  What topic of national importance needs scrutiny?

Well, I'm gonna try an experiment.  Since I cannot think of anything, and I want to interact with the few of you that actually read my blog, I'm going to let you guys decide!

Leave a comment below as to what you would like me to talk about and I will choose one of your topics and write a full, detailed article on that subject.  I wish I could reward the "winner" with a prize, but I am, regrettably, poor...but you will get my gratitude and appreciation.

So let the topics flow!!

**Update**  Considering that so far only two people have participated I am extending this idea into a regular feature.  Besides...this is a better idea.  In addition to whatever else I feel like writing about, if you feel a certain issue needs to be discussed, or just want to see what  Ihave to say about it, post your ideas below and I will do my best to address them.



  1. Federal Govt 's utter dereliction of duty in enforcing the law. Immigration, voter fraud, and selective enforcement based on race.

  2. I think perhaps you should write on the need for conservatives to assert their own identity, and not accept the inherently hostile one imposed by progressives. A conservative like Ron Paul or Santorum is labelled an extremist, an ultraconservative. Conservative is somehow an insult. Our values, varied as they are, are undercut by wolves pretending to be sheep. UK Prime Minister David Cameron is head of the Conservative Party, feigns conservatism, yet pushes progressive social policy; even threatening to cut aid to African nations unless they decriminalize sodomy.

    US conservatives must reject the lie that only rich white men vote Republican, that only the fringe few hold conservative social and fiscal views.
