IN this election year you will hear a lot of discussion about such issues as taxes, the deficit and the national budget. Contrary to what Liberals would like you to think this country doesn't have a revenue problem or a deficit problem. Tax revenue in this country is three times what it was in the 1950's, and that is adjusted for inflation and population growth, and deficit is merely the result of debt which is caused by spending.
The United States has a SPENDING problem. It does not matter how much you tax if your spending remains out of control. You will always be in debt. Think of your own household. What would happen if you spent more than you earned for 20 years. How much financial trouble would you be in? Why should the Federal Government be any different? For further information on this I invite you to view "Does Government Have a Revenue or Spending Problem" by Prof. Antony Davies of Duquesne University at and "The Vote Pump" by Bill Whittle on his youtube channel.
This is the fourth straight year that Obama is running a $1 trillion+ deficit. Which means that the federal government is spending more than $1 trillion more than it receives in tax revenues each year. It is a spending problem and must be brought under control. The problem is that without a majority, conservatives need Liberals to pass such legislation. And getting a Lib to give up spending is like trying to get a fat man not to eat steak.
So, to help them out I present this simple guide. Follow these steps and the economy will turn around almost instantly.
1. Gut the Federal Reserve, or the Fed as it is known. Most people do not realize, by design, that the Fed is not actually a government agency, the Board of Governors is, but the bulk of it is a private organization. The Fed. Government contracts out to this organization all monetary regulation and policy. At first this might not have been that much of problem. However, when the country was taken off the Gold Standard, the dollar was no longer tied to a fix supply of anything which allowed to the Fed to simply authorize the printing new money. This kicked off an era of Inflation and the devaluing of the dollar that has yet to stop. Since 1913 when the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the dollar has lost 96% of its value and the Chinese recently announced that they soon will no longer use the dollar as an exchange currency.
Just because the Fed. Government has the authority to regulate money does not mean it has to. While the Constitution does not allow the Government to take powers forbidden to it, it does allow them to give up a power if they cannot do it as efficiently as the private sector, such as the postal service. So if they want to contract out the reponsibility of financial monitoring and policy, they can. But the authority to just print money just be closely watched
2. Abolish the Department of Education. The Federal Government has no business in education. And it is unconstitutional. The 10th Amendment clearly states that "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution," of which education is not, "nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." So this kind of authority belongs in the State and local government, and maybe not even that. The only authority that government should have in education would be granting vouchers on behalf of families so they may attend the school of their choice. Schools should not be run by government.
Secondly, look at the results of the Dept. of Education. Despite the billions, if not trillions, spent in education since Carter created the Dept. of Education in 1979 have the test scores of our children gotten better? Arte the schools safer or better? NO. There is no success to show for the Government's involvement in education. So why is it still there?
3. Abolish the Enviromental Protection Agency. This agency has long since stopped being a voice for the environment and has become a wreckingball for the economy. It has grossly overstepped it's authority by making law, which is soully the authority of the Congress, through regulation and it has been given entirely too much leash.
Take the Idaho couple that has been targeted. They bought a plot of land with all the proper local permits and permissions. A stream close to their property was blocked by logs and branches, flooding part of their land. They got permission to move the blockage and did so. Enter the EPA. They came down on this couple for "destroying a wetlands." Despite having the proper documentation, the EPA ordered them to restore the land to its wetlands state even ordering them to plant indigenous plants that were never there in the first place, tasked them with the expense and responsibility of monitoring the land and giving them a fine of $75,000 per day until it was done.
Among its other over reaches is the extreme over-regulation of the oil and gas industry. They shut down fracking without any demonstrable proof that it caused any harm, even after backing off the accusations. They helped hold up the Keystone XL pipeline even after it passed not one but two "impact studies." They recently caused the closing of five refineries along the Gulf due to the expensive regulation which forces these refineries to try and operate on a mere 3% profit margin. And three more are tettering on the brink. And I can go on...(see "If I want America to Fail" on youtube.)
And all this based on the false "science" of global warming, or Climate Change. A theory that is being debunked by the day including James Lovelock, leader in the Gaia idea, recently publicly recanting his theories, Climategates I & II, and the 50-or-so former NASA scientists formally asking the agency to stop tauting Global Warming as "proven science."
4. "Drill, baby, drill!" AS part of our natural resources the United States has more oil than all of OPEC combined. We also have huge natural gas fields and coal deposits. We have enough natural energy resources to fuel our economy solely on our own for the next 250 years. And with the miraculous breakthrough of Fracking and and the ability to process oil shale we can get more than ever before. But we are not allowed to get it.
Despite what Comrade Obama would like to tell you, oil drilling is not up. Exploration on private land is up 8% because the Government can't stop them yet. By contrast exploration on public lands is severely down. an AP analysis found that "80 percent of federal lands leased for oil and gas production in Wyoming are producing no oil or gas. Neither are 83 percent of the leased acres in Montana, 77 percent in Utah, 71 percent in Colorado, 36 percent in New Mexico and 99 percent in Nevada." These are the lands the Government and the EPA can control. They have put up road blocks and red tape where ever possoble, but its alright for the Chinese and Brazil to drill in the Gulf, both of whom are drilling and drilling fast with Obama's blessing. He even gave Brazil $40 million(?) to develop thier programs.
High energy prices not only hurt people at the pump. Natural gas is also extracted from drilling, often in conjunction with oil drilling. With nuclear power also being on the EPA's hit list, much of the country's electricity is produced by coal, which is also shackled with burdensome regulation. High gas prices are also paid by companies and businesses that pass those expenses onto the people through higher product prices.
4. Tax Reform. The US has the highest Corporate Tax rate in the world at 35%, and, despite the "1%" rhetoric, the top income tax rate for they highest income earners is already 35-40%. These are the people and businesses that create small businesses and jobs. They risk their own money and livelihoods to create opprotunity in every corner of the country. Raising the taxes even more on this segment of the population will not bring in revenue. It will cause them to leave this country in droves.
The point of a business is to make a profit. Along the way this profit allows them to hire people. make a product or offer a service, and expand to make more profit. If a business cannot make a profit here with a high corporate tax rate, they will go to another country like Iceland or Ireland, who have rates of 15% and 12.5% respectively. Then those countries would have that business. With Japan recently lowering their rate, we now have the world's highest.
And raising taxes on "the rich" will result in the same thing. In fact in 2009 more than 700 people renounced their US citizenship for countries with lower taxes. I believe that percentage is up 14%, not verified.
5. Cut Entitlements. This is the biggie. Because of our spending problem, for every $10 the government spends it borrows $4 and takes in $6 from taxes. That 43% is what gets added to the debt of the country, which you and your children will pay for through higher taxes. However, for every $10 the government spends $4 pays for the actual day-to-day operations of the government and $6 goes towards entitlements such as Medicaid and Foodstamps. 60%!!! 60% of all government spending goes to pay people for doing nothing.
This includes such programs as the Earned Income Tax Credit. This is the program where not only does the bottom tax bracket, about 50% of the population, not pay income tax, but they get money from the government on top of it...60%!!!
7. Miscellaneous Spending. After these specific examples there is a whole bunch of other government agencies and regulations that need greatly reduced if not abolished. It is unnecessary! The Constitution provides for a small, limited government with specific, enumerated powers. Everything else is unnecessary and damaging to both liberty and the economy.
There it is! the Conservative Guide to Fiscal Sanity. I'm sorry it took a little longer than I expected. Unlike Liberals, I like to back up my ideas with examples and facts. Bottom line: If you reduce the cost of government then everyone can take a tax cut, still pay for government, and reduce the debt at the same time.
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