Friday, July 29, 2011

Debt Crisis

The House finally passed a debt reduction plan.  Despite what the media and the liberals would like to claim it is a compromise.  Lets look at the definition:

Compromise(noun):  a settlement of differences by mutual concessions; an agreement reached by adjustment of conflicting or opposing claims, principles, etc., by reciprocal modification of demands.

So two side start with what they what ideally and then meet in the middle.  The Republicans are the only ones doing that.  Cut, Cap and Balance is everything that conservatives want:  an immediate cut is spending, enforcement of a spending cap, and an amendment requiring that the budget be balanced every year.  Now lets look at that word:

Balance(noun): a state of equilibrium or equipoise; equal distribution of weight, amount, etc.

So in terms of the budget "balance" means that the same amount of money that comes in, goes out.  For the past few decades, the government has been spending far more than what they pull in.   This is what leads to debt.

The Democrat ideal is to raise taxes and the debt limit so that they can raise spending and the size of government.

The Dem's shot down Cut, Cap, and Balance.  So the Republicans went back to the drawing board.  They gave up the Balanced Budget Amendment, let the Dem's raise the debt limit and even pulled back on the spending cuts.  All so they could get some dubious, unspecific cuts in the next ten years, eventhougth the dems get to spend more right now, and call for another vote on the dept limit late this year or early next year.  NOw that's a compromise!  The republicans gave up 75% of what they wanted to give the Dem's at least 50% of their agenda.

The Dem's shot that down too because they didn't compromise enough.  The only way they could compromise anymore would be to totally give in to the Dem's and give them evrything they want!  Which isn't a compromise.

The Tea Party freshman have stuck to their guns though (hoorah!) insisting that this is more capitulation than compromise.  They happen to be right and I agree with them. 

So, the Republicans add the Balanced Budget Amendment back in but still gave in to raising the debt limit and keeping the reduced budget cuts.  The Dem's shot that down too.  Its pretty clear now that the Dems will except nothing less than total surrender.  That is not compromising!  That is saying "Its my way or the highway."

You see, this has nothing to do with the debt ceiling.  That is just the back-drop.  The reason the Dems are digging their heels in is because the House bill will insist on another vote of the issue next year.  The Dem's realize that they have made a mess of things, as much as they wish they could ignore that fact and shift the blame in the eyes of The People.  They don't want to have to explain their actions during election time.  So anything that doesn't postpone this for another year is unacceptable to them.

This, too, is not compromise.  Its passing the buck, kicking the can down the road, sweeping it under the rug...choose your cliche.

The Dems have had their way for many, many a year: spending, spending, and spending and look where we are.  Now the bill has come due and they refuse to pay.  That's not compromising.  That's throwing a fit like a two year old who didn't get a cookie.

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