Alright...I am getting really sick of all the doomsday talk about the "end of life as we know it" on Aug. 2. Will good things happen if the debt ceiling isn't raised?...maybe not. Will it be catastrophic?...probably not. As is always the case, the truth is somewhere in the middle. It will not be the end of the world, but it will be tough. I would rather have a little difficulty now than catastrophe later if the ceiling gets raised and the left gets to keep spending the way it does. It is not sustainable!
I am tired of their fear-mongering. Despite what they want you to think, America will not go suddenly bankrupt on Aug. 2. There is still revenue coming in! The time has finally come for the government to start treating their finances like every household in this nation.
If you get into financial trouble what do you do? Do you just keep recklessly spending? No. You become more responsible with your spending. You don't open new credit cards or buy unnecessary things. You start to cut back and make tough decisions between what you really need and what you can live without.
Its time the government started making such decisions. I'm pretty sure there are some government programs that can go without funding for a little while. They will still have enough money to pay social security and public assistance so that no one goes hungry or cold. The insistence that seniors and people of welfare won't get their checks is just bullying through fear.
Why should the government be exempt from the same fiscal responsibility as every family in this country? Why do they get a free pass to spend when they are in so much debt?
I intend this blog to be an outlet for my frustrations with Washington right now...all of Washington! So be warned this blog is political. If that is not your particular brand of vodka feel free not to read further.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Debt Crisis
The House finally passed a debt reduction plan. Despite what the media and the liberals would like to claim it is a compromise. Lets look at the definition:
Compromise(noun): a settlement of differences by mutual concessions; an agreement reached by adjustment of conflicting or opposing claims, principles, etc., by reciprocal modification of demands.
So two side start with what they what ideally and then meet in the middle. The Republicans are the only ones doing that. Cut, Cap and Balance is everything that conservatives want: an immediate cut is spending, enforcement of a spending cap, and an amendment requiring that the budget be balanced every year. Now lets look at that word:
Balance(noun): a state of equilibrium or equipoise; equal distribution of weight, amount, etc.
So in terms of the budget "balance" means that the same amount of money that comes in, goes out. For the past few decades, the government has been spending far more than what they pull in. This is what leads to debt.
The Democrat ideal is to raise taxes and the debt limit so that they can raise spending and the size of government.
The Dem's shot down Cut, Cap, and Balance. So the Republicans went back to the drawing board. They gave up the Balanced Budget Amendment, let the Dem's raise the debt limit and even pulled back on the spending cuts. All so they could get some dubious, unspecific cuts in the next ten years, eventhougth the dems get to spend more right now, and call for another vote on the dept limit late this year or early next year. NOw that's a compromise! The republicans gave up 75% of what they wanted to give the Dem's at least 50% of their agenda.
The Dem's shot that down too because they didn't compromise enough. The only way they could compromise anymore would be to totally give in to the Dem's and give them evrything they want! Which isn't a compromise.
The Tea Party freshman have stuck to their guns though (hoorah!) insisting that this is more capitulation than compromise. They happen to be right and I agree with them.
So, the Republicans add the Balanced Budget Amendment back in but still gave in to raising the debt limit and keeping the reduced budget cuts. The Dem's shot that down too. Its pretty clear now that the Dems will except nothing less than total surrender. That is not compromising! That is saying "Its my way or the highway."
You see, this has nothing to do with the debt ceiling. That is just the back-drop. The reason the Dems are digging their heels in is because the House bill will insist on another vote of the issue next year. The Dem's realize that they have made a mess of things, as much as they wish they could ignore that fact and shift the blame in the eyes of The People. They don't want to have to explain their actions during election time. So anything that doesn't postpone this for another year is unacceptable to them.
This, too, is not compromise. Its passing the buck, kicking the can down the road, sweeping it under the rug...choose your cliche.
The Dems have had their way for many, many a year: spending, spending, and spending and look where we are. Now the bill has come due and they refuse to pay. That's not compromising. That's throwing a fit like a two year old who didn't get a cookie.
Compromise(noun): a settlement of differences by mutual concessions; an agreement reached by adjustment of conflicting or opposing claims, principles, etc., by reciprocal modification of demands.
So two side start with what they what ideally and then meet in the middle. The Republicans are the only ones doing that. Cut, Cap and Balance is everything that conservatives want: an immediate cut is spending, enforcement of a spending cap, and an amendment requiring that the budget be balanced every year. Now lets look at that word:
Balance(noun): a state of equilibrium or equipoise; equal distribution of weight, amount, etc.
So in terms of the budget "balance" means that the same amount of money that comes in, goes out. For the past few decades, the government has been spending far more than what they pull in. This is what leads to debt.
The Democrat ideal is to raise taxes and the debt limit so that they can raise spending and the size of government.
The Dem's shot down Cut, Cap, and Balance. So the Republicans went back to the drawing board. They gave up the Balanced Budget Amendment, let the Dem's raise the debt limit and even pulled back on the spending cuts. All so they could get some dubious, unspecific cuts in the next ten years, eventhougth the dems get to spend more right now, and call for another vote on the dept limit late this year or early next year. NOw that's a compromise! The republicans gave up 75% of what they wanted to give the Dem's at least 50% of their agenda.
The Dem's shot that down too because they didn't compromise enough. The only way they could compromise anymore would be to totally give in to the Dem's and give them evrything they want! Which isn't a compromise.
The Tea Party freshman have stuck to their guns though (hoorah!) insisting that this is more capitulation than compromise. They happen to be right and I agree with them.
So, the Republicans add the Balanced Budget Amendment back in but still gave in to raising the debt limit and keeping the reduced budget cuts. The Dem's shot that down too. Its pretty clear now that the Dems will except nothing less than total surrender. That is not compromising! That is saying "Its my way or the highway."
You see, this has nothing to do with the debt ceiling. That is just the back-drop. The reason the Dems are digging their heels in is because the House bill will insist on another vote of the issue next year. The Dem's realize that they have made a mess of things, as much as they wish they could ignore that fact and shift the blame in the eyes of The People. They don't want to have to explain their actions during election time. So anything that doesn't postpone this for another year is unacceptable to them.
This, too, is not compromise. Its passing the buck, kicking the can down the road, sweeping it under the rug...choose your cliche.
The Dems have had their way for many, many a year: spending, spending, and spending and look where we are. Now the bill has come due and they refuse to pay. That's not compromising. That's throwing a fit like a two year old who didn't get a cookie.
Remember that whole "Global Warming" thing...
You guys remember this one, right? The junk science hoax that CO2 and burning of fossil fuels was destroying the environnment and causing the planet to heat up. You remember that nonsence.
This is not a new concept. The same greenie-weenies were beating this dead horse in the 60's and 70's only then they were preaching global cooling. Recently, Al "planet-has-a-fever" Gore brought this charade to the fore front in 2004 with his "crock-umentary" The Inconvenient Truth. Well, it had its 15 minutes of fame until people started to ask questions and apply real science to this idea.
For instance:
How can the same thing (CO2) be responsible for supposed cooling 50 years ago by blocking sunlight n the atmosphere, yet be responsible for heating today by destroying it?
If Global Warming exists, why is the average global temperature cooler now than it was 10 years ago?
And the latest...they are saying that while the CO2 output of the US is heating the planet, the new CO2 output of China and India is cooling it at the same does that work?
The enviro-fascists realized people were getting wise so they used the time-honored liberal past time of re-naming the hoax. We have changed from Global Warming to "Climate Change" when they realized the planet was getting colder.
Anyway...I really don't want this particular post to be a full attack on Global Warming. However, that post may come later. What I have been trying to lead up to is a news story that came out yesterday. Remember how in 2004 it was a study of polar bears that became the rallying point for all the sheep that bought into this sham? The study proposed tat polar bears were in danger from the melting ice caused by global warming. Well, the first crack in that study came when a count was taken of the polar bear population and found that it was, in fact, increasing!. The latest, and hopeful final, blow to this study is that the federal scientist who made that report, Charles Monnett, has been put on adminstrative leave and is facing charges of "scientific misconduct" in regards to his article about the polar bears.
Remember the days when scientists changed their theories the fit the collected data instead of the other way around? Those were some great times...
This is not a new concept. The same greenie-weenies were beating this dead horse in the 60's and 70's only then they were preaching global cooling. Recently, Al "planet-has-a-fever" Gore brought this charade to the fore front in 2004 with his "crock-umentary" The Inconvenient Truth. Well, it had its 15 minutes of fame until people started to ask questions and apply real science to this idea.
For instance:
How can the same thing (CO2) be responsible for supposed cooling 50 years ago by blocking sunlight n the atmosphere, yet be responsible for heating today by destroying it?
If Global Warming exists, why is the average global temperature cooler now than it was 10 years ago?
And the latest...they are saying that while the CO2 output of the US is heating the planet, the new CO2 output of China and India is cooling it at the same does that work?
The enviro-fascists realized people were getting wise so they used the time-honored liberal past time of re-naming the hoax. We have changed from Global Warming to "Climate Change" when they realized the planet was getting colder.
Anyway...I really don't want this particular post to be a full attack on Global Warming. However, that post may come later. What I have been trying to lead up to is a news story that came out yesterday. Remember how in 2004 it was a study of polar bears that became the rallying point for all the sheep that bought into this sham? The study proposed tat polar bears were in danger from the melting ice caused by global warming. Well, the first crack in that study came when a count was taken of the polar bear population and found that it was, in fact, increasing!. The latest, and hopeful final, blow to this study is that the federal scientist who made that report, Charles Monnett, has been put on adminstrative leave and is facing charges of "scientific misconduct" in regards to his article about the polar bears.
Remember the days when scientists changed their theories the fit the collected data instead of the other way around? Those were some great times...
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Silent Majority
I am Conservative...but what does that really mean? Today it and it's opposite, Liberal, are so over-used as to be almost meaningless. It is a problem that both sides are guilty of. It has become so bad that most people that claim to be one oppose the other just because without any real, clear reason why. You ask a liberal why they don't like conservatives and they answer "Because they are conservative." The same is true of many conservatives in regards to liberals. Though my own personal opinion is that this is more common on the left.
So, I will do you all a favor by attempting to clearly define Conservativism as I see it...
I believe in God and Country and that the former gives authority to the latter through The People. That we are One Nation Under God and that He should be remembered and honored. Not ridiculed and forgotten.
I believe that the Constitution is the most sacred document in this country and should be enforced not "interpreted." That the idea of a "Living Constitution" is preposterous. That the Bill of Rights, not the Government, gives and protects our Freedom and Liberty.
I believe in limited Government. The Constitution lays out very specifically what powers the central government has and does not have and that for the past century the federal government has far exceeded its power and mandate as put down by the Constitution.
I believe in fiscal responsibility. The runaway spending of Congress and the President must stop. Spending in general must be reigned in to within our means. The way to do this is to shrink government.
I believe that a Free Market Economy is the best road to all of these goals. Private ownership, something that is beyond the government's grasp, gives The People freedom. A free market gives everyone the chance to excel and thereby benefit both themselves and the nation, as long as they have the drive.
I believe in lower taxes, both personal and business. People with more disposable income will spend it. Businesses that do not have to spend nearly 50% of their profit in taxes will stay here instead of going to other countries. Taxes should be equal...NOT higher for the rich...
I believe life is sacred. Each new life is a potential resource for this country, not a drain on the system.
I believe in the 2nd Amendment. The right to keep and bear arms is essential is protecting Freedom and Liberty. Government should fear its people, not the other way around. And no...this was not written for hunting and procuring food. It is there specifically to hinder government expansion.
Illegal Immigration is just that...ILLEGAL! I have no problem with people that come to this country legally and contribute. Illegals take from the system without giving back to it.
I believe in States Rights. States should have the right to govern their people without federal interference
I believe Ronald Reagan was the greatest president in the last century. Not FDR, JFK, Clinton andmost certainly not Obama.
I believe Obamacare, Stimulus, and bail-outs are abominations and are illegal.
These are just the core of why I am a Conservative and proud. And I have news for Washington...I am not alone. We are the Silent Majority. In the past we have not been outspoken or active because of our responsibilities in our own lives. You have changed that. Like Japan waking the "sleeping giant" of our country during WWII, you have motivated us. Your chronic, blatant, and willful disregard for the Will of the People, whom you work for, has forced this problem into our lives and in our faces.
So, now you must deal with the consequences of your actions: an attentive nation who wants their freedoms back. If you insist on ignoring the people further, you will not be re-elected. You can try and dismiss us all you want, but pretending our presence is marginal and ineffective does not change the fact that we are now organized and motivated. If we are so marginal...then why are you still talking about us? How did the Tea Party candidates sweep the last elections?
Because of you, we have found our voices again and have said, unanimously, "You are on notice!"
So, I will do you all a favor by attempting to clearly define Conservativism as I see it...
I believe in God and Country and that the former gives authority to the latter through The People. That we are One Nation Under God and that He should be remembered and honored. Not ridiculed and forgotten.
I believe that the Constitution is the most sacred document in this country and should be enforced not "interpreted." That the idea of a "Living Constitution" is preposterous. That the Bill of Rights, not the Government, gives and protects our Freedom and Liberty.
I believe in limited Government. The Constitution lays out very specifically what powers the central government has and does not have and that for the past century the federal government has far exceeded its power and mandate as put down by the Constitution.
I believe in fiscal responsibility. The runaway spending of Congress and the President must stop. Spending in general must be reigned in to within our means. The way to do this is to shrink government.
I believe that a Free Market Economy is the best road to all of these goals. Private ownership, something that is beyond the government's grasp, gives The People freedom. A free market gives everyone the chance to excel and thereby benefit both themselves and the nation, as long as they have the drive.
I believe in lower taxes, both personal and business. People with more disposable income will spend it. Businesses that do not have to spend nearly 50% of their profit in taxes will stay here instead of going to other countries. Taxes should be equal...NOT higher for the rich...
I believe life is sacred. Each new life is a potential resource for this country, not a drain on the system.
I believe in the 2nd Amendment. The right to keep and bear arms is essential is protecting Freedom and Liberty. Government should fear its people, not the other way around. And no...this was not written for hunting and procuring food. It is there specifically to hinder government expansion.
Illegal Immigration is just that...ILLEGAL! I have no problem with people that come to this country legally and contribute. Illegals take from the system without giving back to it.
I believe in States Rights. States should have the right to govern their people without federal interference
I believe Ronald Reagan was the greatest president in the last century. Not FDR, JFK, Clinton andmost certainly not Obama.
I believe Obamacare, Stimulus, and bail-outs are abominations and are illegal.
These are just the core of why I am a Conservative and proud. And I have news for Washington...I am not alone. We are the Silent Majority. In the past we have not been outspoken or active because of our responsibilities in our own lives. You have changed that. Like Japan waking the "sleeping giant" of our country during WWII, you have motivated us. Your chronic, blatant, and willful disregard for the Will of the People, whom you work for, has forced this problem into our lives and in our faces.
So, now you must deal with the consequences of your actions: an attentive nation who wants their freedoms back. If you insist on ignoring the people further, you will not be re-elected. You can try and dismiss us all you want, but pretending our presence is marginal and ineffective does not change the fact that we are now organized and motivated. If we are so marginal...then why are you still talking about us? How did the Tea Party candidates sweep the last elections?
Because of you, we have found our voices again and have said, unanimously, "You are on notice!"
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