Well, the results are in. Barack Obama is re-elected for 4 more years. Liberals are jubilant, conservatives are de-moralized. However, the time for mourning is passed. It is time to fight for the country we love! We conservatives, the Tea Party, those of us that believe that the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are the most sacred documents outside the bible ever written...we ae the ones that have inherited that revolutionary spirit of our Fore Fathers. We who favor the "animating contest of liberty" over "the tranquility of servitude"...are we ready to fight?!? I say yes. Just because a socialist still occupies the White House has no bearing on my ideals.
So, what should we expect in the next 4 years? Here is my predictions:
-There is hardly any chance that Obamacare will be repealed now. Along with Dodd-Frank, it will be implemented in full. Where before they merely caused "uncertainty" in the market pending the election, now the Market knows what to expect. And what to expect are higher taxes, more regulations that cost money to comply with, and a mandate to provide all inclusive healthcare for every employee that will increase the cost of hiring new employees. Job growth, which was anemic at best, will most likely flat line before job losses rise.
-As the cost of Private Healthcare rises, as even the Obama Administration has admitted will happen, employers will begin to drop coverage for employees as the costs become too much to cope with. Falling wages will prevent individuals from affording it n their own as well. Healthcare providers will begin to fail and file for bankruptcy. The whole industry will be decimated if not out-right destroyed, taking millions of jobs with them.
-After businesses halt hiring, as a last ditch effort to cut costs, the cost of complying with excessive regulation will become too much too handle. While big businesses are able to absorb these costs in the short term, small businesses will begin to shutdown as they do not have the capital to comply.
-As businesses begin to close, the unemployment rate will rise and rise quickly. Obama will try to cover this up by continuing to use the U3 number which only includes workers that are on unemployment and those that have looked for work in the last 4 weeks. The U6, which is the real unemployment rate and includes the U3 people plus those that have given up looking for work and those that are marginally empoyed, is currently around 14-15% and will rise into the 20's. This will tip us over the point where there are more people taking from the Government than are putting into it.
-Obama and the EPA will further restrict gas and oil exploration. Permits on federal land will slow to a trickle and the EPA will start persuing legislation prohibiting exploration on private lands. ANWAR and the outer continental shelf will continue to be off limits to our own people while permits for these areas for other countries will be rushed through. Gas prices will rise to $6+/gallon, driving up the price of goods and service all through the Market.
-The Obama-EPA alliance will continue its plan to bankrupt the coal industry and close nuclear power plants shifting the burden of the US power grid on unproven and woefully inadequate green energy such as wind/solar/geothermal. Home enegry costs will skyrocket into the hundreds.
-The Fed, with Obama's blessing, will continue to print money for "quantitative easing" and more stimulus legislation will be implemented. This will kick off a period of hyper-inflation which will severly weaken, if not collapse, the value of the US dollar further rising costs of goods and services across the Market
-Harry Ried and the Democrat controlled Senate will continue to refuse to pass a federal budget continuing yearly trillion dollar deficits, ballooning the national debt. Refusal to reign in spending combined with no plan to reduce the debt will result in more credit downgrades until this situation changes.
-As job disappear and unemployment compensation runs out, the Federal Government will aggressively expand the welfare rolls. This will further tip the scales where even more people will be taking from the federal coffers than are paying into them.
-All these will culminate in the collapse of the US economy. It will begin in January with "Taxmeggedon" when the Obamacare tax combines with ending tax cuts and new taxes to increase taxes by an average of $4000/household.
-As the economy declines and hardships increase, violence and chaos across the country will climb. Obama will side-step the Republican controlled House to acquire more authority and power to himself by Executive Fiat, shredding the separation of powers enshrined in the Constitution, in the name of "keeping the peace." As more power is centralized in the Federal Government, Individual rights will be trampled and discarded "for the greater good."
-The US will find no help from other countries as most of Europe is already holding fast to this same road to ruin. And those that are considered allies have seen how The Obama Administration sells out their firends and stab them in the back. Israel, now further isolated, will hold out against its enemies for a while. However, with the certainty that Obama will not stand beside them, and the real threat of a nuclear Iran, Israel will eventually be overrun and destroyed by its Muslim neighbors.
-By the end of his second term, Obama will have solidified enough power behind him to make his final push for "change." He will throw out as much of the Constitution as he can and implement European Socialism. Finally, before the next election Obama will try and circumvent the "two-term rule." We will hear pleas and testimony that he needs more time, and we can't change horse in the middle of the stream...just four more years and Obama can fix everything. Mark my words...before Nov. 6, 2016 Obama will try and install himself as Pres. for life.
-Obama will be aided in all of this by a biased media that will lie, cover-up and screen him from any real scrutiny.
If nothing changes, and changes big, this is the path I forsee for the next four years. I pray that I am wrong...
Ok, you said your beef. So what, in your infinite wisdom, would be your answer to these problems. Would love to hear solutions instead of just repeating what you heard on television and vomitting them on the internet.
ReplyDeleteJimmy...may I call you Jimmy? I am going to guess by your tone, thinly veiled derisive insults, and the implied context in your response that you are a Democrat/Liberal...
ReplyDeleteIt is very simple. A return to strict adherence to the Constitution and Conservatism. These things took the United States from a group of colonies to the premier superpower in less than 200 yrs. They kicked of the Reagan boom that lasted twenty years.
First, repeal both Obamacare and Dodd-Frank. It is a travesty that a Bill was passed without it being written. Obamacare is a huge tax that raise the cost of employing workers. As long as that is in place, business will be hesitant to hire. And both bills carry an unnecessarily long list of regulations that will cost businesses millions to comply.
Second, totally rewrite the tax code. Smnaller and simpler. Instead of our progressive tax system, institute a flat tax. Everybody pays the same percentage of income, which, by the way means you still get to make the evil 1% pay more as, for example, 10% of $200,000($20,000) is still more than 10% of $20,000($2,000). Thats it. No yteirs based on size of income, no loopholes for anyone. A straight calculation.
Next, lower taxes on businesses to make them more competive. The reason companies outsource is that we currently have the highest corporate tax rate in the world(35% and Obama wants to raise it to 40%). Like it or not a business must turn a profit to stay in business and be able to have jobs for workers to fill. If we charge 40% of their total gross profit to do business on US soil, and Cambodia charge 15% then of course they are going to Cambodia! The solution is not to punish them with more taxes and regulation, but to give them incentive to come back.
Also lower the Capital Gains, excise tax, dividends tax, and get rid of the death tax. Simply put, those with wealth have the means to go where they are friendly and welcoming to that wealth.
This will also have the effect of widening the tax base which will increase revenue to the Gov't.
Are you still with me, Jimmy? do you need paper?
Next, deregulation! Especially regarding the EPA. These are hampering economic growth. For instance, the oil and gas industry is fined billions of dollars per year because they do not hve "bio-cellulosic ethynol" in their feul...the problem is there is none in existence. The only lab that was making it went bankrupt and only manage to make a few grams of it...yet the fine is still in place.
Next, stop printinig money! this leads to inflation which increases the price of everything.
Drill! We are sitting on the largest natural energy reserves in oil, natural gas and coal than any country in the world. With things like Fracking we can get more than ever before. this will create jobs and energy independence for centuries.
Above all, CUT SPENDING. A yearly deficit of $1 Trillion+ is unacceptable. NO more stimulus, no more mucking in the private sector by government and earmarks for favored green energy that goes bankrupt even with subsidy. Reduce Welfare spending, trust me I work for the DPW...they don't need it. No more Dept. of Education. 40 yrs and Trillions of dollars and our children have gotten worse...that dept can go. No more foreign aid to countries that hate us...let them do that for free.
Do these and coupleit with a return to the Constitution, a focus on state rights over federal being the most important, and I garuntee that the economy will turn around in 6 months to a year
Ryan....may I call you Ryan? I am so glad you replied to my comment. You are correct in your analysis that I am in fact, a Democrat. I would more accurately describe myself as Socially Liberal / Fiscally Conservative, but to you, "CrazyFreeMoneyForEveryoneRobinHoodTheRich Liberal" is probably what you will deem me as. I first want to thank you for offering your solutions as I requested as I personally am tired of the cander of your original post. This scatter shot of accusations, blaming of one single party or group for the problems of a nation, and just non-sensical slander against one another is why we are as polarized as we are as a nation. Both Democrats and Republicans are at fault for this and it serves no other purpose but to distract us from the real problems that are going on every day and delay us from actually sitting down to the table and getting to work. If we can put a man on the moon with nothing but a TI-85 calculator and a bucket of rocket fuel, I'm pretty sure we can solve the problems at home. So thank you for replying to my post and I would like to offer my rebutal.
ReplyDeleteFirst: Repealing of Dodd-Frank. This would just be down right crazy. This bill was put into effect to PREVENT any future economic crashes of the like that we experienced with the market crash and housing crisis of 2008. Some of the highlights that this bill entails is laying out that tax payers will NEVER AGAIN be stuck with the bill for bailouts (which I for one assumed that you would totally be in favor of), that the "To Big to Fail" model is never used, that the activities and investments would be closely monitored so that the risky and frugal investments would be caught early and not allowed to pass, and also, that homeowners and buyers seeking refinancing or mortgages would be protected against the subprime mortgages that contributed so much to 2008's collapse. I just don't see how you can be against this increase in regulation that PROTECTS citizens against having to fit the bill for wall streets gambles. If you really want a history lesson on this, the whole reason this bill came about is due to the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999 which prevented wall-street from using commercial banks' money to make wall street investments as well as large investement firms from buying/partnering with large commercial banks, both of which played a major role in the fallout of 2008. And GUESS who was the President that repealed that Act....Bill Clinton (you thought I was going to blame a republican).
DeleteObamacare: Now, I actually share some of your concerns with this bill. That business' will be wary to hire, that insurance companies will raise their rates and costs and pass those to the consumer out of fear, and in no way do I think this bill is perfect, but at least it is a start. Do you realize that we are the ONLY industrialized nation that does not have national healthcare? I believe that there is much more work to be done on this and over the next several years, I expect to see many revisions. But there are a few items in this bill that are amazing. The fact that no one can be denied coverage based on a pre-existing condition is huge, the fact that you can stay on your parents insurance until you are 26 years old which gives you more time after school to become established and actually able to afford health insurance on your own realistically, and the fact that EVERYONE is required to have insurance. Now you may say to yourself, that is unconstitutional to force everyone to have health insurance, but you agree to a similar thing now. You have car insurance, you have to have it, not allowed not to have it. If someone hits you with their car, and they don't have car insurance, would you be pissed? The thought process behind making health insurance mandatory is that it will create a free market environment for insurance companies. If everyone has to have it, and insurance companies are not allowed to turn people down and hand pick only the healthiest of people to increase their revenue, the hope is that it will create a competitive market similar to that of travel sites like expedia where you can bargain shop for the best deal. A better example would be car insurance where you can go online and look at the rates of all the players out there and find the one that most suits you. And to top it all off, Obamacare was modeled EXACTLY from your
Deletecanditadate's state in which he was governor of. How can you be against it in its entirity when your guy ran the state where it is already in and is working great?
Second: Totally agree with you hands down, high five, we are on the same page. 10% across the board flat tax, no exceptions.
DeleteNext (you apparently can only count to two): Lowering the taxes on businesses to make them more competitive. I both agree and disagree with this. First, totally agree with relieving the burden of business, but I don't agree with your notion of giving them more incentive to come back. That is
the equivalent mentality of a battered housewife who keeps going back to the guy that just an hour ago beat the shit out of her. I believe that if you are company or business in this country, and you outsource to other countries, then you get a penalty and lose the breaks that other businesses receive. I don't understand the notion of you ranting and raving about how the unemployment rate hasn't moved or is sluggish at best while at the same time totally fine with the continued rewarding of businesses that ship American jobs overseas to "Cambodia" that ,if forced to stay here, would substantially reduce our unemployment and impact our economy greatly. These companies continue to make a profit off the backs of the American people without having to pay their fair share back into the system that allowed them to become what they are today. And if it wasn't for regulation, we would know more of the joys of lead in our toys, tainted meat products, and cars that accelerate for no good reason.
Are you still with me Ryan? Do you need to take a nap and come back?
Next: EPA. This is just outright retarded. You can complain about gas prices and our dependency on foreign oil all damn day, but the moment someone suggests that you use a battery powered by the sun to watch tv, GTFO. Now I do agree that we can use more of our own oil reserves as long as it doesn't impact the surrounding area, especially with some of the reserves being on National Parks and protected lands. Fracking I'm less ok with as its effects long term aren't totally known as of yet and with the shear amount of waste water and chemicals that it produces throughout the process, the potential long term consequences start to match your "centuries" of independence benefits. I truly believe in the investment and
Deleteadvancement in alternative energy sources. God knows that our country cannot build a decent VCR or Television, but if we hit the ground running and lead the world in the development and innovation surrounding solar and wind technology, nuclear and natural gas, and focus on increasing fuel
efficiency, I gaurantee you that the simple, basic economics of supply and demand will start to take effect. If you need less gas at the pump to go the same distance, heating your house is supplimented by solar and geothermal technology, and the lights that illuminate your home are powered by steam from clean coal or nuclear powerhouses, all built, managed, and operated by local companies in the US, demand for oil goes down, supply goes up, prices come down.
Even in your 29 years of life, you must simply be able to realize that the winters and summers that you grew up with are vastly different now than they were. Climate change is real. The science is there, I don't even have to argue it at this point, and anything we can do to help slow its progression is a start. How dare the EPA enforce a fracking company to properly dispose of their chemicals in a safe way so that my water isn't full of methane and catches fire in my kitchen. I would hope that, if not for you, but for your possible children you may or may not have, you would at least want them to swim in a lake, river, or ocean for once in their life and not have to step through debris, oil, and gas pipes.
Next: "CUT SPENDING". Totally agree with you regarding the deficit being too high and steadily increasing and the shear amount of wasteful money spent on failed programs and initiatives. What we disagree on is which do we consider wasteful. Now due to the circumstances in which Obama came into office and the problems he inherited, the ONLY way to get out of that was to spend money. Talk to any economist and they would agree, we had to stop the bleeding and we had to stop it soon to prevent a total collapse. That is where the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act or ARRA came into play. This Act is similar to the Works Projects of the FDR days after the depression to help boost the economy back into play. ARRA is a 831
DeleteBILLION dollar stimulus package that will span from 2009 to 2019. The bailouts were in this as well as MANY other things to take place over the next 10 years to re-invest in America's infrastructer, create jobs and new technology, and many more. You probably have noticed this while driving around town or on the interstate. Near any road construction project, you will see a billboard stating that this project was funded by ARRA. This is a completely transparent plan to help every state in the union and if you go to www.recovery.gov, you can see where every dollar is being spent in every state. I don't believe in any tax cuts at this point due to the amount of work that needs to be done, but I DO believe that we can reduce
many areas of spending. Once big area is defense (which is another area you and I agree). I'm tired of the United States being the police of the world and enforcing our beliefs and democracy on everyone else. I feel that it is hypocritcal of us as a nation to go into another country, uninvited, that is going through a cival war or genocide, and say, "Hey, stop that!" when no one asked for our help. Our own history is stained with genocide and cival war even as young as a nation as we are and it was those very struggles that helped us become what we are today. If a country/ally asks for our help, I believe we should gladly give it, IF they agree to make some changes and do the things they need to do ON THEIR OWN to become stronger as a country.
Completely abolishing the Department of Education is just a simply rediculous idea as is completely abolishing any program. I believe all areas of government have wasteful, unnecessary pieces to the puzzle that can be cut, but at their very core, satisfy a specific role and need. The two areas as a nation that we should invest the MAJORITY of our spending are healthcare and education. Over a few generations, as a collective American populus, you will end up with smarter, healthier people and smart healthy people tend to make smart healthy decisions. Over time, I would wager that you would end up seeing much fewer people walk through that DPW door of yours. The fact that you are placing the blame of a culmination of 60 years of poor decisions, policies, laws, and practices on one party, hell, one president and have only given him 4 years to fix all of it shows that our education system has failed you. Also, the fact that you think that your "Solution" will fix all of our problems in 6 months to a year, AND SOLVE THEM FOR GENERATIONS TO COME, is all the evidence I need to prove your level of education. That timeline under any circumstances
shy of a full dictatorship is outright impossible and naive.
Finally, I just want to finish this with this. Two of the items that our nation's first president George Washington stated in his farewell address were: never have a political party system, and stay out of other countries affairs. After 236 years, you can see what this creates for our nation. NO ONE PARTY IS AT FAULT. NOT ONE PERSON IS AT FAULT. WE ARE ALL GUILTY, WE ARE ALL RESPONSIBLE. The choices we make today paint the picture of our tomorrow and I for one want to paint a good one. The only way we as a people move beyond the trials and tribulations we face today is not reading the blatherings of this god awful, uneducated blog. Its not whether "Ryan" is right or "Jimmy" is right. We can only move past this if we
Deletework together and STOP reading this non sense, educate ourselves on the facts, put politics aside, and work on a solution, NOT what "Ryan" does and simply place blame and spout nonsense about things he/she knows nothing about. So my advice is stop reading this site, get out into the world and do something of value, cause this "Ryan" guy has gone full retard.