Sunday, December 4, 2011

Cain's unfortunate departure

So, presidential candidate Herman Cain has pulled out of the race for president under an avalanche of smear and here say.  And this is truly an unfortunate turn of events.  He would have been a fantastic president.  No, I do not think he is perfect.  No one is and those who think they are (*cough* Obama) are the ones who are least fit for such important jobs.

His experience in the business world is invaluable.  It means he understands things like cost and profit ratios, how to maintain a budget while still getting the most for your money.  In short he understands fiscal responsibility which is sorely needed in Washington.  His 9-9-9 plan, while again not perfect, is still a great step in the right direction.  But more importantly, he knows that which all great men should know:  That he doesn't know everything.

That's right!  While the President of the United States is the most powerful office in the world it is still held by a mortal man, or woman if that is the case.   A person, especially a leader, with an over-blown sense of self is just as dangerous as someone without enough experience, maybe more so.  A good leader makes up for a shortcoming in one area by hiring, and deferring to, someone who does have the necessary experience.  That is the point of the presidential cabinet.  So what if Herman Cain had a few missteps in foreign policy?  That is what a foreign policy advisor is there for.  He has enough general knowledge, and enough wisdom to go with it, and the advisor fills in the specifics if Cain needs it.  At least he is smart enough not to isolate and antagonize Israel, our only ally in the Middle East, while giving a reach around to countries like Iran who have publicly stated their intent to wipe everyone that is not Islam off the face of the Earth with the Us right behind Israel as a priority.

But I digress.  As I stated at the beginning of the this post it is a shame that Cain was forced out of the race.  But even more then the fact that he is out the smear campaign against him , and the hypocrisy it reveals, is even more troubling.

If you count up the accusations of sexual indiscretions among Conservatives and Liberals, the Libs far outweigh Conservatives.   JFK was a well documented horn dog having several extramarital affairs.  And let us not forget Bill Clinton and the little blue dress.  How many affairs did he have?  Three that were proven through evidence and many more that remained allegations.  That is just two presidents.  If you include Congress the accounts are staggering.  Including Ted Kennedy whose car contained the body of a woman as they dragged it out of tidal channel and Rep. Barney Frank whose boyfriend was a male prostitute that was running a brothel out of their shared DC apartment.

But I am getting off track...

The treatment these cases got in the Mainstream Media was a shrug and "who cares?"  They said JFK's indiscretions paled in comparison to his progressive achievements.  We were told that it was none of our business what Bill Clinton did in his personal life.  Despite the fact that he lied under oath and obstructed justice by preventing a woman genuinely wronged from getting the justice she deserved he was a great guy.  Good personality.  Besides, the public didn't really care about all that anyway.

Now lets fast forward to 2011.  Herman Cain has been accused by five separate women of sexual misconduct.  If these charges are true, then he deserves everything he gets.  IF.  That is a big word.  Where is the evidence?  Where is the blue dress in this instance?  Ginger White, the latest accuser states that her affair with Cain lasted 13 yrs., during which they met at hotels and went to high profile events such as boxing matches.  Where are the video tapes of them in the hotel lobby?  Where are the ticket stubs for the boxing matches?  For that matter, where are the accusers?

Of the first four, only one, Sharon Bialek, was willing to give her name.  They were only barely mentioned and they haven't been heard about since.  Ms Bialek went further by hiring the high-profile Gloria Alred.  Now if, as Ms. Bialek says, she just wants to "get the story out," why hire Alred?  She could do that just as easily with a nameless attorney.  Indeed, there would be many a lawyer salivating to take the case to make a name for themselves.  A person hires Alred for the publicity of the name.  And even she has disappeared since that one and only press conference.  If there was really anything to these accusations, the Media would be hounding these women down for the story and a chance to bury Cain.  All of these women stated their accusations and then just went back into the wood work.  Last I saw in this country we still had a tradition of innocent til proven guilty.  But, no.  The Media has been having a field day crucifying Cain.

So now, we have the latest accuser Ginger White.  Again there is no evidence.  She claimed to have evidence but has never provided it.  Plus she has a very questionable background.  Several evictions including a recent one that may have prompted her story.  Previous sexual harassment suits filed, one being thrown out for lack of evidence, and a restraining order by a former business partner.  But we are supposed to believe her word?  Now, some of your Libs may say "where there is smoke, there is fire."  Bull!  Where there is smoke, there is smoke.  Especially in today's world of lawsuit happy idiots.  You make a complaint loud enough you can make a buck.  I don't know about the rest of you, but before I ruin an honest man's life and reputation, I would make damn sure that the facts and evidence are there.  And the sad part is that now that Cain has dropped out of the race, the accusations will never be disproved.  It's mission accomplished in the smear campaign.  The Libs will say no more about what they unleashed and there will definitely be no apology.  they will let the accusations hang out there as a warning.

The point of this post is to point out the difference between being a Liberal and a Conservative.  Clinton was accused of sexual harassment, with evidence and instead of exposing the truth the Media not only helped Clinton cover it up and dismiss it but they also helped his attack and destroy all three women that accused him.  Where was the ACLU then?  Where were the feminists and women's rights activists?  They helped defend Clinton and destroy Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, and Monica Lewinski. 

Herman Cain is accused of sexual misconduct.  There is no evidence, just a lot of here say, the accusers are questionable at best and now AWOL when it is time to be counted so Cain can face his accusers, as is his constitutional right.  In this case what is the Media doing?  Crucifying Cain and supporting the accusers.  The key to this shift in behavior is that Cain was a threat to not only Obama, but everything that Liberals hold to be true.

For decades the Libs have survived on the narrative that all Conservatives are evil, sexist, racist bastards.  Obama rode to victory in 2008 on this sentiment.  He was a charismatic black man who claimed that his would be a historic election for the first black president.  The Libs over looked the fact that he knew nothing about leadership.  All he knew was rabble rousing and inciting mobs.  With Cain you have an intelligent, articulated, strong, conservative black man that actually knows what it is like to lead.  And if he were to stay in the race he might actually split the black vote as they are forced to actually think for themselves and decided what is more important: color or substance.

So the decision was that Cain had to be taken out at all cost.  Just look at the smear campaign directed at him before the sexual harasment allegations.  Obama, because he is a liberal, was called a visionary, the epitome of what it is to be black in America, this messianic figure.  Herman Cain, a black Conservative, was labeled an "Uncle Tom," a traitor, the "Tea Party's black friend."  Harry Belefonte said he is everything tha tis false in the black community.  He was told to get off the symbolic crack pipe.

And this coming from the party of tolerance...

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