Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Free Market works!! Just ask the Aero-space industry

What we are seeing lately in this country is a war.  A war of ideology.  The Liberal Left has backed the failed policies of Socialism and Marxism in direct opposition to the Conservative Right and its support of the tried and true ideals of Small Government and Free Markets.  In other words Capitalism.

There many ways that one can compare and contrast each of these drastically different world views.  But the most glaring difference, especially lately with all the rhetoric against corporations, Wall Street, and the "1%," is the economy.

Socialism proposes a top-down approach where the large central government keeps the Market in the iron grip of a mountain of regulation and red tape.  The Left believes that they can dictate fairness and appropriate behavior and order people to conform to their subjective definitions.  This never leads to prosperity because as soon as an individual or entity wants to something that is against the small ruling elite, they bring the force of government to bare and make that person or company do what they don't wnat to do, consequences be damned.  If government will still is not obeyed, they heap even more regulation on the pile until you submit.

Captilism, on the other hand, demands that a small de-centralized government enact as little regulation as possible and get out of the way of the Market.  A Free Market works with human nature, competition and self interest, to good of all involved.  This leads to the betterment of all because the Market can not force anyone to buy a product or service.  It has to convince the consumer through better quality, cheaper prices, better service, etc.  Also, as an added bonus of having multiple companies compete for your business, a Free Market produces diversity in product.

This contrast can be seen all through the long history of not just Aero-space but of manned flight itself...

In 1898 the War Department of the US government gave a federal grant to Samuel P. Langley to develop heavier-than-air flight.  After 5 years, $70,000, and his only successes being an unmanned flight of a model aircraft, Langley gave up in 1903.   The publicgrant was given to Langley regardless of results so he had no incentive for innovation or experimentation especially because it was not his money financing the project.

It was the Wright Brothers who would go down in the history books as the pioneers in aviation.  Two independent businessmen free from government regulation who saw a profit in developing this field and so were willing to invest their own capital (money).  Because it was their personal wealth and reputation on the line they had an incentive to make the best product they could for the lowest cost possible and to do it as quickly as possible to get a return on their investment.   And in just 4 years, 1899-1903, a year shorter than Langley, the Wright Brothers made three successful full-size glider models and culminated in the world's first manned, powered, heavier-than-air craft, the Wright Flyer I, in 1903.  In just two more years they improved their design through two more models, Flyer II and III, and went from a flight time and distance of 12 sec/120 ft. to 38 min 3 sec/24.5 miles with the Flyer III

So, as we can see, because of Free Market principals of investment of private capital, no regulation, and individual innovation two bicycle mechanics were able to, in a shorter time frame, far outshine a government-backed physicist.

In 1915, ten years after the Wright Brothers flew the Flyer III, the US government formed the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics.  True, this was a government agency and subject to government regulation.  However, there was minimal regulation and NACA encouraged the participation of commercial and private clients in both research and facility usage.  They even encouraged governemnt employees to explore "bootleg" projects of their own on the side.  As a result, from 1915-1958 NACA took manned flight from the basic fliers of the Wright Brothers to the X-1 supersonic flights (the NACA XS-1) in 1946.

In 1958 Congress signed the National Aeronautics and Space Act, creating NASA.  In the beginning, NASA carried on the tradition of private sector participation in the research and development of its missions and technology.  They even enlisted the help of American universities.  This resulted in the first Apollo moon landing just 11 years later in July of 1969.  

However, as the government beauracracy increased within the ageny the private sector participation has been de-emphasized.  Over the next 40 years, as the central federal government edged out independent free market interests, far from exceeding that pinnacle accomplishment, NASA has not even come close, settling for regular orbital missions.

Fast forward to the present.  Government beauracracy is more than ten times what it was in the 60's and NASA is no different.  The shuttle age is over and there no realistic plans to go back into space.  After $10 billion the Shuttle Replacement Program has been scrapped with nothing to show for it except one unmanned orbital test and a capsule with no delivery system.  In fact, the only space commitment we have is to the International Space Station and we can't even get our own astronauts there.  They have to beg rides from the Russians. 

In recent years, to help spread out the costs, NASA has, actually, started to again involve the private sector, contracting out to companies like Boeing and Lockheed/Martin.  The problem here is that government does not know how to participate in the Market.  NASA operates on a "cost-plus" system.  This means they simply re-imburse the contractors for whatever costs in time, labor and materials they incur and add a fixed profit.  Just like what happened with Langley at the turn of the century, there is no incentive to produce a viable product on time and every advantage to dragging your feet to run up the cost.

Enter the Free Market.

Just because a government agency, NASA, is grounded from a government inability to be fiscally responsible doesn't mean that America is.  Yet again, private capital, talent and innovation have come together where there is a profit to be made.  Right now, and for several years now, the beginnings of a Free Market, private sector Aero-space industry have been taking shape.  Since 2004, a handful of independent aero-space firms and companies have taken the initiative not to wait for the federal government to get its house in order.

John Carmack, programmer of Doom and Quake, has taken his fortune to form Armadillo Aero-space.  Bigelow Aero-space was started by hotelier Robert Bigelow.  Other firms include Mastin Space Systems, Excor Aero-space, Scaled Composites, and Spacex.  All of these companies are working independently to explore and develop Outer Space.  And, because of the Free Market, keeping an eye on cost, quality and service, and because of the competition of Capitalism, they can all do it for a fraction of the cost.  Sure, NASA is still involved, it would be foolish to ignore 60 years of research and development.  But now instead of a "cost-plus" contract, they have a "fixed-price" contract which gives a desire to complete a project on time and under budget.

The result?  For $300 billion of NASA funds, 1/30th of the cost of a typical "cost-plus" contract, Spacex produced, from scratch, two separate and functional launch vehicles, a new generation of engines and a 7-passenger, pressurized capsule that had a flawless maiden flight, though unmanned. 

From just this handful of private companies have already come two different designs for a vertical take off and landing systems, one of which can even shut down mid-flight, restart and immediately return to stability, a developing orbital hotel, and the latest generation of rocket engines that are safer and more efficient than anything NASA has.  In addition, Scaled Composites performed the first commercial manned space flight and did it, not in a shuttle strapped to a giant rocket, but in an innovative one-man pod.

So, to sum up, the Free Market championed by Capitalism has done in 8 years what it took the governments of the US, China, Russia, and the EU more than 60 years to accomplish.  And they are not stopping there.  They are going further.

Right now you can by tickets on Scaled Composites orbital shuttle, Spacex is in the midst of planning the first manned flight of their dragon rocket and capsule, with a few more years development of the vertical take off engines space flight will never again be dependent on a three-stage delivery system, and right now these companies are preparing for the first commercial landing on the moon.

Command, Socialist governments can't even come close to this.

Friday, February 3, 2012

"Freedom to choose" means choose them

Ever notice that all these people/organizations that speak of choice support anything but?  To the Left, "choice" means their choice only.  Lets looks at a few examples:

"Pro-choice"-One of the most heated topics of debate in this country at present is the topic of abortion.  The pro-life side believes that life happens at conception and that growing life deserves all the protections and chances that everyone else gets.  The pro-choice side believe in a woman's right to choose to have an abortion and that a baby is not a life, merely a fetus, until it has a "reasonable chance to survive outside the womb."  I will admit fully and proudly that I am a pro-life person.  And I, like most people that are, believe is the sanctity of life and will fight vociferously to outlaw abortion.  However, I also am loyal to the constitution and, while I do not agree, as long as it is legal if you wish to have an abortion that is your right.  I would try to convince you to do otherwise, and will pray for you not to, but ultimately that is your choice as long as it is legal. 

On the other side of the issue you have people that identify themselves as pro-choice.  They feel that it is their own personal choice, and right, to end their pregnancy when and how they wish.  Their continual defense is the argument that "if you don't want an abortion, don't get one."  Their actions tell a far different belief system.  When these two sides meet and clash it are the "choice" people that insist that they get preference.   When legislation is passed that makes no judgement on the legality of the issue, merely to cut off public funds that come from people who do not agree with abortion, they claim their rights are being infringed.  They hit the streets and airwaves calling pro-life adherents "fascists," bigots," and "Nazis."  They demonize women who do not choose abortion labelling them as narrow minded idiots, basically saying "we are for choice, as long as you choose our way."

They even frame the debate as such.  I, and those like me, refer to this issue as "pro-life vs pro-choice."  The Left on the other hand, label it "pro-choice vs anti-abortion."  The subtle manipulation is repulsive. 

This issue has been brought into the fore again recently by the decision of the Susan G. Komen foundation's to not fund Planned Parenthood anymore.  Again, they make no assertion on the validity or legality  of the issue.  They simple said they would not support the organization anymore.  The Left was immediately in the streets and on the air complaining.  They said this violated their rights, completely forgetting that Komen is a private organization and can do what it wants with its own money.  They Planned Parenthood touted increased donations to support their claim that the public disagrees with Komen, again ignoring that they are not a public company, while Komen reported a 100% increase in support.  And, as usual with liberals, as soon as things don't go their way, they call for indictments and investigations.

"Feminism"--For the past 30 years the Feminist movement has been striving for "equality in gender."  Their mantra is typical of the Left: equality and fairness for all.  Men and Women should be treated the same and that women, especially children, should be free to choose how they want to act, what the want to like and do, and how society should see them.  However, just like everything else, what they mean is hat you should be able to choose as long as you choose their way.  Feminists say that a little girl should be able to choose, and should be encouraged, to play with army toys and toy weapons and that a little boy should have access to dolls.  In reality, they vilify any children, and their parents, who conform to gender rolls.  If a girl chooses dresses and Barbie they try and sue the parent for child abuse because they "did not let their child choose their own identity."

Lego felt the full force of the Left's lack of choice recently when the announced their new tow line.  Lego is now producing a line of play sets specifically marketed to girls.  The building sets are pink and frilly and are things like hair salons and daycares and the lego people are no longer the squat blocky design but something distinctly feminine.  Their reasoning for this was nothing sinister.  The fact is that the market is there for these toys.  Little girls, and their parents, over-whelmingly still choose and gravitate towards princesses, the color pink, and activities such as doing their hair and playing house.

And what is the Left's reaction?  Feminists groups have denounced the beloved toy company as "pandering to traditional values," "limiting women's right to choose," and so on.

"Politics"--Liberals love to support democracy and the will of the people until it doesn't go their way.  When the vote goes against them.  They insist that they know better than the people and do what they want.  Take the recent election in Wisconsin.  The people of the state, by a large margin, voted in Gov. Walker.  In the short time he has been in office he turned a budget deficit into a surplus, allowed most municipalities and school districts to rise into the black, decreased property taxes and inceased wages.  But since this came at the expense of Democrats and bloated unions, the Left is now attempting a recall election for him and four other senate seats they lost.  Obamacare?  The majority of Americans did not want it passed into law, as is seen by the number of states filling lawsuits against the federal government and having their own state-wide votes against it, yet the Left passed it anyway.  Immigration?  Several states now have put anti-illegal immigration laws in place with mass support from the their citizens.  Liberals don't like it so the DOJ is now procecuting the states.

For the past 70 years, Liberals, the Left, Progressives, whatever you want to call them.  Have envoked the "will of the people" and their right to choose their own path until they choose not to support them.  When that happens the people no longer know whats best for them, only government does.

In this thinking the err severly.  History has shown that time and again the American people do not like being told what to do.  If there is one flaw to the American people it is comlacency.  We are slow to action.  As long as our lives are not too adversely affected we are willing to put up with many hardships and injustices.  In 1941, the Japanese admiral responisble for Pearl Harbor,  Isoroku Yamamoto, called the US "the sleeping giant" and they feared that all they did with the attack was to awaken that giant and "fill him wit ha terrible resolve."  In our 236 year history, others have mistaken that complacency.  The "giant" of the American people has already started to toss and turn as has been seen in the Tea Party and the number of states bucking the assumed authority of the federal government.   The transgressions of the Liberals are reaching the point of becoming unbarable.

The American people may be slow to action, but once roused they will be satisfied with nothing less than every single Liberal, in both parties, being run out of Washington.